8/17/09 - week 2
8/17/09 -close up
Progress - Week 1
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I posted any photos on my blog, so I thought I would share a few updated photos of my "Sail Away" SAL. I am having alot of fun with this one. I haven't stitched with one stand of floss for quite some time. I really like working with the silks and I love the feel of the thread in my hands, they are so soft. My family and I are going camping this weekend so I will be able to get round three done and hopefully get back to the one over one I have been working on. (not) I have been so occupied with the Sail Away project and getting things ready for school that I haven't had any time to work on my other WIP's.
The weather here has cooled off quite a bit and I can feel hints of autumn on wing. I love fall, it's my very favorite time of the year, but I think this summer has gone by so fast I'm not sure where it went. Last week on Friday I started a new diet. Good Bye ice cream!!! It is definitely a challenge, but I am strong willed, so I will just keep myself busy stitching so I won't think about food. Wish me luck, I know there is a skinnier version of me inside just dying to come out!!! Oh, don't forget to post a comment on my "Jane Austen" giveaway if you would like a shot at winning the dvd set. Until next time.....
Sail Away is so pretty!! Good luck with the diet:) Giving up ice cream is a real battle for me !!! How come I use to be able to eat it every night if I wanted to and never gained an ounce???? Not fair, is it?? Have fun camping and stitching :)
Jolene, your Sail Away progress is beautiful. I love watching everyone stitching on this one! Just makes me sad I didn't join in on the fun! Have fun camping and good luck on the dieting!
The more I see Sail Away, the more I want it. I'm trying so hard to resist. Yours is beautiful.
Beautiful progress on your Sail Away! It is so pretty.
Good luck with the dieting. I feel your pain. There's a skinny person inside of me, too. Actually, a couple. I ate them all. ROFLOL
Have fun camping!!
Joelene, This Sail Away piece is just beautiful! I love the soft colors! And you are right about the feel of silks..I wish I could do the SofHRH in silks...just cant really afford them all...anyway, yours is very nice and LOVE those scissors!! Faye..ps-ty for the "envelope"!~
That is looking so beautiful, Jolene. Lovely stitching! Silks are so wonderful to work with, both in the handling and the effect they bring.
Oh best of luck with the diet! Will be thinking good thoughts for you!
Jolene, I'd like to be where you are - it's 90+ here (has been all week!) Hubby and I are headed out this weekend as well. I start school on Monday so this is our last 'vacation' 'til Christmas. I hope you and your husband have a wonderful time camping.
I'm having fun checking in on all the 'Sailors' - it's such a fun design.
Siobhan, you are just too funny!
I could give up ice cream, just not Ben & Jerry's!
Progress is such a wonderful thing and yours is absolutely coming along.
I love your closeup shot. It looks like a late day sun is shining across your stitchery.
Jolene - Your Sail away looks fantastic. You're making such good progress on this.
Good luck with your dieting. I always considered the word diet as one of those four letter words. I hate even thinking about it, but it's a necessary evil, I guess.
Have a wonderful time on your camping trip.
Oh Jolene, I am LOVING this :) Keep posting pictures!
Good luck on your diet. I don't like using the word diet though. Changing what you eat is the first start :)
Sail Away is sooo pretty. Great pics of it. Love those scissors :o) Good luck on the diet. I need to lose a few myself & get back into a workout program & stop using my bicycle as a clothes hanger.
Sail Away is looking so pretty! I LOVE those scissors...what kind are they?
Your Sail Away is coming along nicely. Such beautiful work, and the more I see this one, the more I like it. :)
I love what you wrote - there's a skinnier version inside you! I feel like that too! You go girl! Best of luck!
Love Sail Away it's so pretty and you're making awesome progress...
Great progress!
Hi Jolene! Did you get my note and your SAL scissor fob? Thank you so much for all the goodies you sent - you are so sweet. Now.... when is your 40th? Please let me know if you didn't get your fob - I mailed it a while ago.
Ooops... forgot to say - your stitching is beautiful - I have to get busy - I'm SO far behind everyone - some leader I am!!!
Jolene - you have made great progress on Sail Away -- it's gorgeous!
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