Up for grabs is a new set of 6 dvd's called "The Jane Austen Collection", BBC version. I love to watch movies and unwind while I cross stitch, don't you? To enter this drawing all you need to do is: 1) leave a comment under this post telling me what you love most about Christmas and explain what family traditions you participate in each year for that holiday. 2) If you don't celebrate Christmas, then explain what other family traditions you carry out sometime during the year. 3) Leave your birth date ...month and day only. Please make sure you leave your info so I know how to contact you if you don't have a blog. You may leave your comments until August 22nd. I will be drawing the lucky winner's name and notifying them on August 23. Good Luck to you all!!!
Christmas is my favorite holiday.. I started a tradition that I make a Christmas ornament each year for the kids in the family. On Thanksgiving, they get to pick out the ornament of their choice, I stitch and it is given to them the next Thanksgiving. The ornaments are kept on the "family Christmas tree" until they marry and have their own tree and then the ornaments are passed on to them.
My birthday is December 10..
Thanks for the fun giveaway.. I will enjoy reading other traditions.
P.S. You can reach me on my blog..
We are retired and 3 of our 4 children live in CA (3000 miles from us :() so we don't celebrate with them too often. We do have other family here so we usually "make the rounds" and spend the day with nieces and nephews, my SIL and her husband and our other son. We have a buffet at one of the houses (we usually take turns every year) and just enjoy being together. My DH and I lived away from everyone for so many years (because of work) before retiring and moving back here and we really missed being with "family". Now, if we could just get our other 3 kids to relocate here we'd really be happy but that's never going to happen...LOL
My birthday is October 1st.
OH gosh Jolene, I have been wanting this set! Woo...what a thoughtful thing to offer in a giveaway!
I just adore everything about Christmas, the shopping, decorating and baking and even wrapping gifts! This year will be an extra-wonderful Christmas, to celebrate with my first granddaughter! What fun!
February 22nd is my birthday.
Christmas is that time of year that feels like a rebirth. Its the excitement and the countdown to the birth of Jesus and with that comes this wonderful feeling of giving, getting family together and sharing goodwill. I love dressing up the stairs, the Christmas tree and I love Christmas in a traditional way and in a tasteful manner. Christmas day itself always make me sad as Jesus suffered so much for us that we can have life after death. Its really a magic period of the year and its the highlight for me in Europe when its so cold and you need hope.
Birthdate 9/9/1968
Oh I love Christmas! Every year, we go to cut down a live tree and bring it home to decorate. We keep the bottom stump of each tree and one of the kids puts the year on it and doodles on it. We have quite a collection of tree stumps! On New Year's Day, we always make Chinese dumplings. From scratch. And the tree always comes down before New Year's Day. (Birthday is 7/19)
I've always loved Christmas. While I know Easter is rebirth, it always seems like Christmas is a beginning too.I love decorating,thinking about what to get for everyone and planning a special meal. But I can't compare to my very dear MIL. She decorated every inch of the houe and enjoyed every minute. She passed away in April so this Christmas won't be the same. But I'm going to put some of her decorations out in our home. I know she'd enjoy that. Nancy- Hedghogmom@aol.com
oops forgot my birthday is August 4th! Nancy
What a fun giveaway, count me in! I love Jane Austen and I love BBC :-).
Christmas is my favorite holiday because we always have lots of company. It's just such a sentimental time. I think our biggest tradition is all our ornaments are handmade or special gifts from family.
My birthday is 3/31!
Christmas is my favorite holiday and we have several traditions that we love each year. My favorites are spending Christmas Eve with my parents, going to the Christmas Eve service at our church that begins at 11:00 PM and ends at midnight with candlelight and the song Silent Night being played, Christmas morning at home with our little one, and Christmas night at hubby's parents. It is a busy couple of days but we love it.
My birthday is 4/25.
What an awesome giveaway. I love this BBC collection. :)
Hi, Jolene, I just found your blog through the Sail Away SAL blog. I'm enjoying reading so far and your giveaway drew me out of the shadows!
My family is not big on Christmas unfortunately (long story) and we don't have a tree, but we do enjoy pulling out ornaments and hanging them out around the house on various shelves and other places.
A family tradition that's important to us is family game night. We don't do it every week, but at least once a month we order food and get out the games. We like Scrabble, poker (just chips, no cash!), Yahtzee and Uno. We have so much fun and I think it really helps us to stay close and keep lines of communication open.
My birthday is December 21st.
Thanks for entering my in the draw!
The very first thing I thought of when reading the requirements was the smell of a Christmas tree and the anticipatory feeling that stirs within, especially as a child. As time has moved on, our family traditions have been altered as many are, but we all at least try to get together with someone for some good eats and gift exchanging. "Giving" has always brought me more joy than receiving but my mother-in-law gives so well, she really, really makes "receiving" a "jolly good thing" no matter what the occasion.
I was born on December 29th.
This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.
Christmas is a much loved holiday at our house. We gather around sometime near Christmas vacation to watch our fav. family christmas movie, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. We open our gifts to each other Christmas morning, including always something for each of our pets.
July 8 is my birthday. Melody
Please enter me into this drawing. I have yet to watch one Jane Austen movie and it's about time I think I did. What I love most about Christmas is just being with family. The decorating (all the Dept. 56 houses come out and DD and I decorate whole the house with them. Also, my husband is Polish and his family has several traditions, like celebrating on the eve of Christmas, and only having certain foods that have been blessed that evening (all yummy).
My birthdate is May 31st.
I have never seen the movies so I am excited to enter...
Our family traditions start at Thanksgiving when we exchange Christmas ornaments and they have a robbers exchange, which always brings great laughs.
I decorate starting in the beginning of November so that I can enjoy the entire month with my family. We give the girls new pajamas on Christmas eve then we take a drive to look at the holiday lights. I love spending this tim together...and would love to include these movies...I guess I forgot to say that the girls and I watch holiday movies then entire six weeks...what a collection we have...this brings a smile to my face.
My birhtday is October 15th...Blessings, Dianntha
Thank you for the generous giveaway. The BBC productions are always so well done.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is celebrating Christmas on New Year's Eve. My childhood friend and I are with our husbands and families throughout the Christmas season. We get together at her house on New Year's Eve...have Christmas dinner....exchange gifts. It's wondeful!
My birthday is July 13th.
Best regards from Gail in Washington State
What a wonderful contest! Thank you for having it :)
Christmas - it truly is my family's favorite holiday - when I was young, my mom always made sure my sister and I went to see the Nutcracker ballet - I always have to have a nutcracker on display every year of some sort - we still get together to see the ballet - we start decorating right after Thanksgiving and since my mom's b-day is in mid-January and we celebrate the Italian Little Christmas plus Epiphany, we leave all the decorations up longer than most people do. Last year we decided to make a gingerbread house, had it as the main decoration on the dining room table and surrounded it with a long red wired ribbon tied in a huge bow around the base with the tail ends trailing off the edges of the table - (oops sorry, carrying on here :)
My b-day is Aug. 26th.
This is a great contest, I love Jane Austen movies!
There are many things that I love about Christmas: Baking, shopping for presents, wrapping presents, going carolling, watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas", and snow, but what I love most is spending time with my family and cooking on Christmas day with my mom and sisters. A few of our family traditions are a cookie exchange with the girls, attending church candlelight Christmas Eve service, and cutting down our own Christmas tree.
My birthday is May 20.
Please enter me into your contest! My daughter (Emma-see above) and I had a Pride and Prejudice and cross-stitching sleepover just last weekend!
Some more of our Christmas traditions are a train around the bottom of the Christmas tree, lots of nativity sets, and mini Longaberger baskets under the tree!
My birthday is Oct. 31.(Yes,that's right-Halloween!)
Hi Jolene - how generous of you to give away this set - I would love to curl up with a good project and watch these!
Christmas is my favorite time of year. I admit, I put a tree in every room, lights in the windows, bake dozens of homemade cookies, and attend as many Christmas concerts, plays, etc as my husband can stand. My brother and his family come every year and stay for a week. It is my favorite part of the season - spending time with my family.
Also, when my husband and I go on vacation, we pick up an ornament as a souvenir. It's so fun to unpack that box each Christmas and reminisce over our many trips together.
My birthday is July 20th.
Hi Jolene,
Christmas is a great time of year, because of family and friends. No yard work, means more sewing time, and I love that!
We have a fondue party every Christmas Eve with my family. It is getting quite large with everyone having children! We set table out on the floor and have usually a cheese, chocolate and chicken broth pot. We cook and eat for a couple of hours and then have a present exchange with the cousins. It's a wonderful party.
I love Jane Austen. However are you managine to part with them?
Have a great day! Hope Sail Away is coming along for this week. I haven't even started mine yet.
Wow what a wonderful giveaway,,,and for christmas the best part of it is to give presents to the one's I love and see the little faces opening their presents...traditions are that I make a big spread of food that covers the table, and also my husband reads the story of the birth of Jesus first thing on christmas morning,,
my birthday is October 13,,you can reach me at
My favorite tradition is going into NYC to visit the Rockefeller center Christmas tree and then Central Park Zoo (they are open Christmas DAY!)
We started this tradition with our now 3 1/2 year old son and we plan on continuing it for years to come. I love the city over the holidays, everyone is so happy, cheery, festive.
My Birthday is Feb. 4
What a great giveaway....
What I love about Christmas is the giving part. I love giving things, especially handmade to friends and family. Our traditions are pretty simple. My sister and I go to my mother's for Christmas Eve and again on Christmas Day. My mother makes us brunch on Christmas Day but we always exchange presents first since none of us can wait.
My birthday is September 16
Thanks for offering the awesome DVD set! What I like most about Christmas is the Christmas tree and those delicate shimmery lights. Such anticipation of things to come--namely goodwill, gifts, and laughter. There is something about listening to the traditional Christmas carols as the gifts are unwrapped and secrets are made known that is just too much beyond words at this time of year.
My birthday is August 14th.
thank you for this chance. I love Christmas because people feel more happy and more good. I love the light on the Christmas tree, and cooking for the big meal. In Italy we eat Panettone and Pandoro.It is the time of love, even if it would be nice it will all the year long. My birthday is December 19th. Kisses and hugs
Christmas is time to spend with my grandchildren - watching their faces as they open their gifts! I love the beautifully decorated trees and driving around to see the houses decorated with twinkling lights.
My birthday is December 19.
Please enter me into our giveaway
Oh my, this was on my Christmas list last year and did not show up from Santa. Maybe I was a bad girl! I would love to win this set. For a Christmas tradition, I bake tons of cookies to share on platters with family, friends, and neighbors. I love to see them all together and share with others. My birthday is Nov 16th. pjstitcher at mchsi dot com pj
Christmas is my most favorite. I love giving and seeing people's reactions. One of my traditions is to make an ornament every year for my godson. He just loves them and now he keeps them out all year round. However, this Christmas will be quite different with the passing of my dad 2 months ago. My birthday is October 29th. Thanks.
Looks like I still have time to jump in here! We celebrate Christmas with family every year. One of our traditions is to hide a green pickle ornament on the tree. First child that finds it gets a special present. When opening gifts, we also start with the youngest child and work up to the oldest. It's really fun watching the little ones!
Cathy B - November 30
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