Congrats to Kellie, she is the lucky winner of the Jane Austen dvd collection. I have already contacted Kellie and I will mail her prize out tomorrow, Monday, August 24th. Thanks to all of you who posted comments on this giveaway. I really enjoyed reading all the fun traditions you enjoy around Christmas time. I must say I love Christmas but growing up I kind of got cheated out of things. My birthday falls around Christmas, December 23rd to be exact. I have pictures of me wrapped in a white blanket laying in a basket with a big red bow tied around me. I was a "gift" to my brother and sister as I came home on Christmas day. My mother told me my brother was very proud of me and was excited to have a little sister as he carried me around all day. As time went on my birthday melted into Christmas which meant I received a birthday/Christmas gift all in one. So I felt I got short changed growing up. Anyway, I have very fond memories of Christmases past, we spent many Christmases at my grandparents home in Koosharem, Utah, along with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. We would all bundle up after Thanksgiving, purchase a $3.00 permit to cut down our own tree and head out to the mountains in search of the perfect Christmas tree. I remember walking in snow that was knee deep trying to find a tree that was shapely on every angle as my Mother was very picky. I also had fun picking out my own tree for my bedroom. My parents let me have my own tree that was just "my" size and as I got older the tree became taller too. I had lots of fun ornaments to display, and my favorite ones were plastic glow in the dark icicles which were my Grandmother's on my Mom's side. They were special to me because this Grandma passed away when I was a baby so I never really knew her. Somehow, I felt a connection with her thru these glowing icicles like an angel watching over me. Traditionally I have taken my son shopping for a new ornament every year since he was born for his own tree. One day when he gets married he will take these with him for his own new family. I treasure the times we gathered as a big family on Christmas Eve to have family dinner and we were allowed to open one gift on that night. Such a spectacular time of year with all the beautiful light displays that warm up a cold wintery night. I can't believe how long this post is getting, so I will close for know for some shut eye. Tomorrow marks the first day of the new scohol year for my son. I had a wonderful weekend in the pines fishing and stitching, but I am saddened that summer has went by so quickly. Here's to a wonderful new week and thank you once again for sharing your thoughts with me. I appreciate each and every comment you leave, they really make my day.
Kellie is a lucky girl. Thank you for sharing your Christmas traditions/memories with us!
Congratulations Kellie!
I love, love, love, the tree tradition. What a wonderful idea!
What a wonderful tradition!! Congrats to Kellie!!!
What a fantastic give away! congratulations Kellie :-)
I loved reading about your christmas traditions, i can relate with you on the christmas/birthday present thingy, my birthday is 27th December and i used to have exactly the same thing done to me :-(
Congrats Kellie!
Those are some wonderful memories Jolene. It's too bad that your birthday falls so close to Christmas. I've heard that from other people with a similar birthday. I do love your icicle story :) That's very special. We too buy each other an ornament every year. I really look forward to that.
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