HaPPy VaLEntIneS DaY

I am HaPPy To AnNOuncE tHaT YOu ArE The WiNNer of The BeaUTifUl ShEpHErdS BuSh "ThOuGhTFul HeART" kit!!!

CoNGratS!!! PLeaSe E-mAiL ME YoUr AdDreSs sO I KnoW WHeRE yOu WOulD LiKE yoUr PAckAge SEnt.
Thank You for making this another fun giveaway. I love to read your comments, they are always so fun/funny and bring a smile to my face. Happy Valentine's Day to each of you.
I have been working on a few things lately (which I will post later). I have started my anniversary project but am choosing to not post any photos until it is done. I am working on an exchange so I can't post any photo's until it is finished and she has received her gift. That sounds so boring, no photos!!! Sorry guys! I am in hopes that this will be finished by the end of the week.
Last weekend my nephew was involved in a really bad snowmobile accident. He shattered his spleen and wrist among other things and he is still in the hospital. I wasn't able to go see him because I have been sick for quite some time. I went to the doctor and my diagnosis was, as he put it "gross"!!! What kind of a diagnosis is that? I really like my doctor, but he was leaving for Disneyland in less than two hours when I was there so he really didn't give me a thorough exam. He prescribed me some antibiodics and sent me off. (I think he was already in California!) After the course of 10 days on antibiodics, I am still not well. I guess I will be going back for a follow up. YUCK!
Enough about me, I hope you are all staying warm and feeling well. It has been such a bad winter in so many areas this year, but not necessarily Utah. It has been pretty mild considering.
My Mikey fixed me a really nice "breakfast in bed" this morning. We ate hashbrowns with ketchup, poached eggs, sausage links and coffee with french vanilla creamer, delish! What a sweetheart. I wonder what is in store for the rest of the day?
Have a "Sweet" Day!!!