Hello Stitchy friends, are you ready for round two? Last week it was all about the candy so this week it will be all about the costumes. As you can see above your invitation to the Grand Masquerade Ball Giveaway says Costumes please. If you would like to join the party all you need to do is RSVP via commenting on this post only with what costume you will be parading at the party. There will be two prizes this round, and you can see below that the first prize will be "Afraid of the Dark" by Blue Ribbon Designs and the second prize will be "Toil & Trouble" by La-D-Da. Both prizes come with the necessary threads for stitching, but I will let you supply the fabric. Also, if you would like an additional entry post a second comment and let me know if Halloween is all about the candy or all about the costumes!! I would love to hear from you and thanks so much for a successful Round "1".

Prize #2
I hope you have all been enjoying the fall weather we are having. The crisp air has been refreshing for a change. I have been stitching on a fun little skeleton and have some photos I will be sharing with you a little later this week. I thought about what my favorite candy is and I would have to say cinnamon bears and peanut m&m's. Yum!! When I was a youngster my favorite candy was the Marathon bar.....do you remember those lucious chocolate covered caramel braids? They were to die for!! Not to mention they were "huge" like a foot long candy bar.....I wish I could cast my magical wand and send you all one to try, but it is in need of repair...Darn it!!! I did tally up your favorite candy choices and the candy with the most votes was "candy corn" followed by chocolate candy bars and Reese's peanut butter cups. Don't think I've ever found a candy I didn't like....must have a sweet tooth like my Grandpa H.
Jan of Belefonte Notes

Congrats Jan, please email your address and let me know what stitch count/fabric you would like to stitch this on. Guess what?? You see that cute little white pumpkin displayed on the pattern? I happened along one and so I thought it would be fun to add this to the giveaway for displaying along with the stitchery once it's finished, so I will be sending it to you along with your goodies. In the spirit of things, I couldn't resist drawing a second winner, so this lucky recipient will receive the pattern for "Be Ye Thankful" by The Cricket Collection along with the threads for stitching (you will need to supply fabric).

Sharlotte of "The Happy Needle"
Congrats Sharlotte!! Please send me your address so I can send you your prize.
We all have so much to be thankful for and I thought it would be fitting to give something to show my appreciation to you and all your wonderful entries and comments. I truly enjoy reading them and look forward to meeting more of you through "Bloggerland". I have attached a complimentary pattern for my "first" try at designing a cross stitch pattern and I would love to hear what you think of it. It is called "Who Goes There?" and should be a fun little Halloween project to stitch. I have not included a legend as I was in hopes that you would create your own palette of colors. On the tip of the witches hat the black line is a spider web and you could attach a little spider charm/button at the bottom of it. The spider web would be neat if it were stitched in something shiny and silver.......hmmmm.....decisions, right? I would love for you to share your photos of it finished if you choose to stitch it.
Don't forget to enter this weeks drawing and stay tuned as there will be more fun in store over the next few weeks we have left in October. You have until Midnight, Oct. 14th to enter and the winner will be posted on Thursday the 15th. Happy Stitching (and haunting) my friends!

"Who Goes There"
designed by Jolene Sorenson
of Dip Diddly Designs, 2009
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can't be seen
On any other night
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels
Werewolves raising from their tombs
Witches on their magic brooms
In masks and gown we haunt the street
And knock on doors for "Trick or Treat"
Tonight we are the king and queen
For oh tonight it's Halloween!
-Jack Prelutsky
Hi Jolene,
Looks like I get to be the first to congratulate both Jan and Sharlotte!! Way to go, girls! :)
I would like to sign up for round two. I would be wearing a witch's costume to the party...not just any witches' costume but a glamorous one with lots of sparkly purple included with the black (I actually have a hat like this that I like to wear to school on Halloween...my students get a kick out of it). :)
Love Who Goes There! I plan to print it and stitch it as soon as I can. Not sure if I will get it done this Halloween, but I would like to try. I think this would make a really cute pinkeep when finished. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.
Congrats girls! I love your pattern, Jolene...I will definitely save it even though I don't know if I'll get to it this year.
Please enter me in round 2. I will be dressed as a skeleton kitty this year. My real kitties are slightly offended but they'll forgive me someday.
Wonderful freebie! Love that hat! Thanks so much!
Enter me in the draw! I'll be wearing the vampiress costume, a very sexy one...with high heels and sharp teeth!
I will be attending the party dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. And I love your pattern! Very creative!
please enter me in round 2. my dog and i plan on being sonny and cher
For my additional entry, I must say Halloween is all about the candy at our house - my husband has a ginormous sweet tooth!
Well I will be wearing my witchy costume sitting on the porch scaring all of the children.(only big ones) ... Halloween is so fun...we totally decorate the porch and its really scary. My hubby has to go down the steps to give candy to the little ones..
Oh yeah its all about the sweet tarts...love them. Blyn...Pick me ..Pick me!!
Congrats to the winners of Round 1!!! The pattern you created is wonderful. I would love to enter Round 2, but I am afraid I will not be wearing a costume. Good luck to everyone who does enter!!!
I'd have to be a witch - wicked or nice? Hhmmm, I'll have to give that some thought. Thanks for the great freebie and for the chance at these awesome giveaways!
Costumes are fun, but here we are all about the candy - yes the treats are the winners!
I'll be the witch with sparkles and purple feathers at the party!! Thank you for hosting the fun!
And, it's all about the candy!! Sweet Tarts without a doubt :)
LOVE Your Blog! I'm going as Swine Flu....pig nose and virus looking blobby quilt batting wrapped all around me. I'll scare everyone!!!!!!
Oh my goodness, you are kidding me, right???? I won, I really WON???? I never win anything, but can't say that anymore, can I? I am over the moon thrilled, Jolene, thank you ever so much!! OH and I adore that white pumpkin!! Thank you for adding too already, a most wonderful giveaway!! WHOOPIEEE!!!!
Me thinks you have some talent there, girl!! That is an ever so neat Halloween pattern, thank you very much!!
This is awesome Jolene! What fun :o)
I'm coming to the party dressed as...A PUMPKIN! What else ;o)
Hmmmm....I would have to say candy since my sweet tooth is calling ;o) Better get that Reese's Peanut Butter Cup out of my desk drawer...
Great fun Here!
Congrats to the winners!
My costume this year - I'm thinking - Corpse Bride - if I can scare up the time to make that funky blue and white yarn wig!
And oh yes - please enter me in the draw.
Love "Who Goes There" - I've saved it for stitching at some future date.
It's definitely all about the candy! Halloween costumes are fun - but that funky orange and black candy just keeps on going!
That freebie is awesome!!! Please include me in the next drawing!!
I love shows like CSI and Bones so I think I must come dressed in black with many cheerios boxes attached to it and plastic knives sticking out of them (I'm a cereal killer!! get it ha ha ha . . . well at least I amuse myself!!)
Oh da!!! I forgot to tell you who I am!! (the cereal killer) I'm Wanda!
Sending in my RSVP for your party.I of course will once again be a witch this year. Only this year I have some great gloves that look like old witches hands.
Thank you for the contest. You have great taste!
Halloween is definetly all about the COSTUMES!!! Ypu can have candy anytme of the year but how often do you get to dress up and have the entire neighborhood walking around in drag... err I mean costumes!! LOL
Thank you agin for the contests!!
Congrats to your winners. It is always difficult for me to dress up for Halloween. Never have liked doing that. Usually end up dressing as a bum with raggy jeans, etc.
Thank you for the contest.
Candy is the most important part of Halloween.
Congratulations to the winners! Please enter me in Round 2!
I am the birthday girl on Halloween every year! So it's usually a birthday crown/sash combo. :)
When I was a girl, the candy was caramel apples or popcorn balls. But, of course, we can't do that anymore. :( So, now it is Snickers or Reese's cups.
Congratulations to Jan :)
Please enter me in round 2!
In my country Halloween is not a holiday, we donn't celebrate... but more and more people like this funny day and having Halloween parties...
I have never been any party at Halloween.
Congratulations to the lucky winner!
Please enter me in Round 2. My costume at the party would be a Viking princess. I love Vikings!
Love the chart! Please enter me in your drawing. :)
First I'll congratulation for the winners!
Please enter me in round #2!
Your chart is super, I saved it!Thank you!
For my second entry, I must say Halloween is all about the candy!:o)
Thank you for the lovely chart!
In the UK, Halloween didn't used to be a big thing - our Autumn Event was Guy Fawkes Night on 5 November, with fireworks and bonfires. The night before in my part of the country (Yorkshire) was 'Mischief Night' - like trick or treat, but only tricks - 'Knock Down Ginger', gates taken off hinges, dustbins overturned that sort of thing.
So - all that to say I've never costumed up for Halloween ;o)
Thanks for the freebie. I love it! I would like to enter round 2. I will be wearing a belle custome like the vampire from the twilight series. Thanks for the invite.
Pat Matejcek
Wow! Well, I don't think I'll be like my son -- he's going to be a Red Bull can. lol! Maybe I'll be a tennis player -- wearing that cool Stella McCartney outfit from the US Open. :D (In my dreams at least!)
And my second comment -- Halloween is definitely about the candy! lol!
My first thought was that Paulette and Kim should come dressed as Axe Murderers :-) And Deb should come dressed as a frog (holding a pair of scissors) heehee
As for me, I would come as royalty - I just love getting all dressed up and will take any opportunity to wear a tiara :-)
Your design is just adorable! You are such a talented lady, Jolene (not too mention extremely generous hearted)
Halloween is definitely all about the candy! Teresa S. mentioned popcorn balls and caramel apples - that definitely sounds like a great idea!
Congratulations to Jan and Sharlotte for winning such wonderful prizes.
What a cute design! I love it and you should definetly do more.
Congrats to the winners. Thank you for the freebie...it is awesome!
I will be the one in the princess costume. What else is there to do with an old bridesmaid's dress and tiara LOL :)
I think it is more about the candy these days!
Congrats to Jan and Sharlotte! For my costume I would have to be a mad scientist because that's DH's nickname for me and it's kind of true!
Love the chart!
Please enter me in round two.
For the little kids it's about the candy -- for the big kids (aka adults) it's about the costumes and decorations.
Yea to Jan and Sharlote. Great bloggers!
Love the chart. You did a wonderful job. I'll definitely print it out, and try to get to it with all my other Halloween projects!
You are great! Thanks for all the fun.
please enter me in round 2. I will be wearing my witch costume! I'm always a witch. I have the best pointy toed, high heel shoes for the outfit!
Halloween is all about the costumes for sure!
Well gee...EVERYBODY knows what I will be dressing up as for Halloween! Raggedy Ann of course! (LOL)!!
Thank you for the freebie! LOVE IT!
Halloween is all about the candy of course!
I am only 5 foot 2...I think I still can dress up and look like a kid trick or treating, can't I? :)
Congrats ladies!
Please enter me for this next giveaway too. I love the costumes more than the candy. With four little ones, it's a fun holiday in our house. The excitement starts in September with them talking about what they're going to be and by the time it's over, I'm wiped out. lol
Congrats to round 1's winners!
My costume for round 2 is a witch! :)
And for sure I love the candy, but costumes are even more fun!!!
(mostly I just love halloween!)
Congrats to the winners! Wooooo.
Please add me to round two. I would show up to that halloween party as, a vampire. ohhhh spooky!
For my second post. Whenelse during the year can you buy bags and bags of candy and NOT have people looks oddly at you!
And when can you dress up as something odd, crazy, whatever and still have people not look at you strange.
I love it all.
MMMMM... Marathon bars.... They were my favorite, too. I wonder why they stopped selling them. YUM!
Thank you for this chance - I've updated my competition spot on my blog to reflect this new competition. If I'm to dress up this year - it will be as 'Nanny Ogg' - a witch in the Discworld series of books.
Congrats to this week's winners! I must say this is a wonderful giveaway. I think I will dress as a butterfly at Halloween. Why not! I can dream about flying anywhere I want!
Julie in Napa
I will be out of town on Halloween but Halloween is all about the candy, the costume take second place. I absolutely love the La-D-Da pattern. So cute.
wow what a cool blog!!! glad we connected. xoxo Laura
Oh I'm so sorry to post a third time! I forgot to tell you I love your design! Thank you for sharing it for free!
Congratulations to the winners of your giveaway. I love your first design and can't wait to stitch it! Thanks and take care.
I can't believe that I actually won something! I'm very excited thanks! Count me in for round #2.Since I am one that wears many hats ( metophorically) I will be the one in black with many hats attached to my costume, with the labels of things to which they represent.I love reading what everybody else is doing! Love the Who goes there? design. Would make a great flatfold stand-up don't you think?
For my second entry I have to say that it is all about the candy! But the costumes are a close second as I love seeing what everyone comes up with every year!
These pieces are FABULOUS!! I'll be donning my best pointy hat and wicked witchypoo shoes this year while eating homemade popcorn balls.
I would love to enter round 2. I will be dressed as Tinkerbell. She has always been my favorite and my daughter's favorite to.
For the second entry I would say Halloween is all about the costumes. I love seeing what everyone is dressed up as and seeing what my kiddos pick out for their costumes.
Thanks for entering me in the giveaway. I forgot to mention - I will not be dressing up this year. I have never been a fan of dressing up myself, but I do love seeing all the little fellows in their costumes. It makes me smile. As for whether Halloween is about the candy or the costume, for me it was always about the costume (although the candy - M&M's in particular - didn't hurt). Take care.
Such fun! Of course I will be attending your ball and you know I will have to come dressed as a witch. Ziggy, my faithful black cat will be affixed to my broom and we will swoop in with treats for everyone! Now, to figure out where I put those pointy toed boots...
Halloween is all about the costumes. You can have candy any time but is there another day in the year you can be someone or something else and not be arrested or committed to the asylum? LOL
Thank you also for the sweet little freebie. My fingers are itching to start stitching it but I - must - finish - wips.
Wow--you designed that, Jolene?! Very impressive... I would love to come to the ball and will be the one dressed as Scarlet O'Hara. Being the only female in a family of five, I need to feel "girly" now and then!
And for me Halloween is all about the costumes. I love seeing the little ones come around trick or treating (not so much the teens who just come for a quick handout!)
Congrats to the lucky winners! I am afraid to admit that Halloween is the perfect excuse to have plenty of chocolate in the house! So, I guess the candy is the best.
Please enter me in your wonderful drawing! Thanks for the chance.
What a neat design! Thanks, Jolene! Congrats to the winners of round one, and enter me in round two. :D
Hmm, my costume. I haven't dressed up in years! I think I'd go with what my daughter wore for her Leaving Cert year at school. Only the Leaving Certs ( = 12th grade in the US) can dress up at her school, and we borrowed my mom's idea for her costume that she wore as a school RN. Cereal killer. At first I laughed hysterically, thinking my mother had spelled it wrong, cereal instead of serial. But no, she was right. Cereal killer. We got two big pieces of poster board, created a faux cereal box out of them, added straps that enabled my daughter to wear the boxes in front & back of her body, and glued on some real dried cereal around some red that we painted on the poster board to look like blood. Then my daughter carried a plastic butcher knife, on which we also painted red paint to look like blood & glued on some dried cereal. Most people got the pun, some people thought my daughter was a bit odd wearing cereal stuck to poster board, but we had fun with it. :)
Oh, please enter me! I am coming to the party dressed as 'Corpse Bride' from the Tim Burton film of the same name.
Love your design, thank you so much for sharing it :-)
I think it's all about the costume. I can eat candy all year round (and if you had seen me you would know that I do!) but you can only dress up this crazy at hallowe'en
Have a spooktacular time. Muhahahahah
Hi Jolene,
congratulations to your blog. It's wonderful :) I love your patterns and designs. :)
Halloween isn't a holiday in Hungary so I can't go to party and wearing crazy costume.
Please enter me in round 2. Thank you.
Love the freebie chart. Please enter me in round two.I'll be wearing a witch costume with a very fancy hat. My boys plan to be the grim reaper and a vampire.
Thank you.
For the second entry. I'd say Halloween is about the costumes, but my boys would say CANDY!
Please enter me in the draw. I'm a witch, my all time favourite costume!
I love your freebie, by the way. I am going to my best to get it stitched by Halloween.
My second entry: I think Halloween is about the costumes. (But I love the candy too!)
Congratulations to the winners!!
I will be dressed as a witch....with a long black robe, a black hat...and long GREEN hair!
For my second entry...Halloween is all about the EXCITMENT of the night for me!! The ghosts and goblins and witches coming to the door!! (On a side note...candy is good too! LOL)
Jolene, the new freebie is very very cute.
I'll be coming to the party as Motica Adams, I loved the long black hair and that slinky black dress she always wore.
Have fun with the great holiday.
I jwill be attending the halloween party as a Fairy now not just any fairy but the fairy of halloween. Orange and Black dress with striped orange and back stockings. With monarch butterfly wings (orange and black). My want will be orange with a sphere of black on the top with black streamers. I look forward to the drawing. Until Next time
Love your Who Goes There - very cute!!
What fun! And I love the music! Thanks for the freebie chart and your wonderful giveaways! Sharing is one of needleworkers best characteristics! Please enter me....pj
i will be a headless Anne Boleyn :D and halloween is totally about the candy!!!!
RSVP: You'll recognize the Little Round Witch! :-) thanks for the hat and spider!
Lucky ladies! The freebie chart is adorable. I haven't decided on my costume for sure yet, but may convince my husband to go as peanut butter. I'll go as chocolate and dress our son as a Reese's peanut butter cup.
And Halloween is definitely about the candy!:)
I will be wearing a witch costume. I prefer traditional costumes.
I think it is more about the candy for kids, but for adults it is probably more about the costumes. I sure am enjoying your contests.
Congratulations on the design! It's beautiful!
I haven't decided what I'm going to be for Halloween! I need to decide soon, it's just around the corner!
I forgot!
For me Halloween is all about the costumes. Not mine but the kids who come to the door! Love seeing them!
I love Halloween, it's the pretend. For one day or just a few hours you can pretend to be something or everything you are not.
Please put me in for the second one! I will be dressed like a murdered pig (how terrible, but with a funny note so it's o.k. for the kid too, hahaha!)
Greetings, Astridh
woo hoo another drawing! I do love them :) Sign me up please .. hmmm, what will I be wearing? Probably a lot of black and my witch's hat while I open the door for all the little tricker treaters :)
Congrats to the winners! please sign me up! not going anywhere but to the front door to answer for all the little kiddos but if i have to dress up i will be an Identity Crisis! LOL hello my name is........ stickers all over me with different names. LOL
for a second chance, it is a toss up, costumes and candy. LOL I love to see all the different costumes the kids come in and certain candy i only get at halloween time.
Congratulations Jan and Sharlotte! Please include me in your 2nd wonderful drawing. If I have to dress up, I will be a football player - Go Brett Favre and the Vikings! There is no toss up - candy at Halloween is the big winner, especially anything chocolate. Mmmm, I think I need to go buy some Halloween candy today!
Carolyn - rcscg at aol dot com
Thank you for the great chart! I really love the owl. Happy Halloween, Happy Fall! (my favorite season, too!)
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