Mayflower Landing

Good evening friends, before I announce the winner of "Give Thanks", I want to take a moment and express my appreciation to all of you who take the time to visit my blog and comment. I have met so many wonderful stitchers through blogging and I have really enjoyed reading your blogs as well, you are all so inspiring on so many different levels.
With Thanksgiving drawing near, I find myself looking forward to sharing time with loved ones and reminiscing about memories I hold dear from earlier years. My family is shrinking, when it should be growing. I have lost all my grandparents and parents, but I do have a wonderful mother-in-law who is 82 though. This year our family gathering will be small, but we'll make it memorable.
I am thankful, so thankful, for so many things and thought that it would be nice to hear what you are thankful for, so what I have planned for this weeks giveaway is simple. All you need to do is leave a comment on this post stating three things you are thankful for. Sounds easy, right? This week there will be four (4) winners. I have posted pictures of all 4 prizes within this post and as always, they will include the threads, you will only need to supply the fabric. The mystery twist to this round is that each of the four winners won't know which one they have won until they receive their prize package. If you would like a second chance, post about this giveaway on your blog and let me know when you have done so. You may enter until midnight Wednesday, October 28th and I will announce the winner on Thursday, October 29th. Good luck to you all!
Quaker Row
I found a very touching poem that really makes you think about some things we may not think of being grateful for and I wanted to enlighten you:
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.
~~ Author Unknown ~~
Also, as promised, the "Grand Finale" Round Four Giveaway starts next Thursday. I KNOW you will want to mark your calendars for that one!!!!!
This weeks winner is "Deep Fried Cupcake" of which Andrea is the lucky winner of Glendon Place's, "Give Thanks". Andrea, please email me as to where I should send you your prize. And for those of you that don't know Andrea, take a minute to stop by and visit her blog, you'll be glad you did. She has a wonderful blog.
The "Mystery Prize" winner is Blyn of My Busy Needle blog. Congrats to Miss Busy Needle, please email me so I can obtain your address for your "Mystery Prize".
I appreciate all your warm and heartfelt comments and remember:
Without you as my friend,
Life would be a bore;
Having your friendship in my life
Is what I’m thankful for.
P.S. Don't forget to enter "Missy's 13 Days of Halloween Giveaway", you can click the link to her site on the top of my sidebar.
Thank you for another wonderful and generous giveaway!
Even though there are many things that I am thankful for, writing down three is actually quite difficult.
I'm thankful for my husband and his love and support in all that I do, he helps to make me who I am.
I'm also thankful to my family as well as my friends and the happiness that they bring into my life.
And thirdly I'm thankful for my health. I work in healthcare, and day after day I see how difficult life can be if you don't have your health.
Oh.My.Stars! I can't believe I won! I was enjoying reading your post and just readin' right along and was surprised to see my name pop up! Totally wasn't expecting that one! Thank you so much Jolene, I will try and find your email address so I can send you my snail mail addy! Yippee!! :-)
Three things that I'm thankful for:
1. My family (including the furbabies here of course) hubby that is still here after almost dying 12 years ago, and my three great kiddos, who are honestly good people and never given us any trouble or heartache.
2. My faith and belief in God.
3. My friends, both here close by and those I've "met" through the internet! Blessings abound through each and every friend I have made!
Thanks again for all of the Halloween Fun, it's been Spooktacular!
I'm thankful for the generosity of others. It makes me a more generous person.
I'm thankful for the kindness of strangers, that makes them not strange anymore. ;)
And I'm thankful for blogs where I read wonderful things like this:
It's not who you are that holds you back
It's who think you're not.
Congratulations for the winners!
And thank you for another fantastic giveaway!
I am thankful for more things in my life, my fiance, my family, my parents, my hobby and time I can do it, my friends in my real life and in the net too, and of course I'm thankful for our health!
Have a nice day :)
Way to go to all the winners!! I am definitely thankful for my health and those of my loved ones.... I am also thankful to those who serve our country and fight for our freedom here in the USA. Wtihout them, our world would be a different place. And, I am oh so thankful for all my stitch friend who continue to support one another!
Thanks for opportunity to enter the giveaway. The designs are beautiful and I would be honored to recieve any of them and pass them on to a friend once I have stitched it!
Have a great day and better weekend!! Faye
It's hard to pick just three - but here goes:
I'm thankful for the Lord's love for me.
I'm thankful for my family -'specially my DH of more than 36 years! What would I do without him?
I'm thankful for good friends - both cyber and RL.
Jolene, I posted about your giveaway Here. Thanks for brightening my day!
First off congratulations girls! And thank you Jolene for your kind and generous heart! You are so sweet!
It's hard to narrow down the three things that I am most greatful for! There are so many,but I'll give it a shot.
First, I am thankful for my belief and faith in God that keeps me afloat each day.
Second, next I am so very thankful for my family whose love and laughter are such a sweet part of my life.
Third, I am thankful that I still have my eyesight after fighting like mad for so long now to keep it.And grateful for the wonderful opthamologist that has worked with me and been there for me through all of it.
I guess that was four ,but I told you that it would be hard to do!
At this moment I am thankful to have the eyesight to read your blog and still have the flexability in my fingers to type a comment on your post. Among stitching friends we are in good company and its a lot to be grateful for.
I have added your giveaway to my blog! Have a great day!
Wow, you're so generous! I'm thankful for my health and the health of my family, I'm thankful for my family and the happiness we share, and I'm thankful for my stitching and the stitching world we share out in blogland!
Another generous giveaway Jolene!
I'm thankful for my family, our health, and that our lifestyle allows me to pursue my hobbies (of course there are so many other things to be thankful for too!!!)
When I first read that I had to write down three things I am thankful for I thought 'gosh this is going to be hard to find three things'! I was right it was hard but not for the reason I first thought. It's hard for it to be just three things because I have so much to be thankful for.
Okay so what am I thankful for and these are my most important three (I think):
1. My husband who has stuck with me over the past 20 years and become the carer instead of the one waited on even though I have MS which usually stands for Missing Spouse instead of what it really stands for.
2. My children who have grown up to be wonderful people and wonderful parents and for the grandchildren they have given me (okay I'll be big about this - us) who are the joys of my life.
3. The fact that even though I have been wheelchair bound in the past and my eyes were effected they now longer are so I can see and stitch and have met so many wonderful people through my blog.
Well that's more than three but hey I said I couldn't narrow it down so I have sort of incorporated more into some of them. Sorry - NOT REALLY.
Patti xxx
aka Stitchin Bitchin Witch
Congratulations to this week's winners! The first 3 things I am grateful are 1) This time that I am able to spend with my mother after her stroke and help her get better, 2) My first grandchild which is due next spring, 3) that I am able to practice my passions in fiber arts (such as cross stitch and embroidery). Thank you!
What a great question - it makes us all pause and realize that we have so very much to be thankful for. The real challenge is to narrow it down to just three...
1. I am thankful to God for His love and His mercy. He has blessed me more than I deserve and I am humbled and grateful.
2. I am thankful for the 10 years my husband and I have had together.
3. I am so very thankful for my family and my dear friends. My life is fuller and richer because of each of them.
(and this morning, I am grateful for caffeine!)
Jolene, thanks for another fun contest!
Enjoy your weekend.
Wow Jolene! I'm amazed by your generosity with your giveaways! Fabulous! Of course, I would love to be entered again.
What am I thankful for? My family first and foremost. A belief in God, a wonderful community of friends, and last but not least, stitching and blogging. I feel very blessed to have met such great people through this media outlet.
Thanks again, for all you do. Congrats to Andrea!
This is a nice way to remind ourselves of all the blessings we have received! Thanks for the suggestion!
I am thankful for my health and the health of my family, and especially my brother, who is in his 4th year of remission from Leukemia.
I am thankful to God, who has given me the precious gift of forgiveness and a healing heart.
I am thankful that I live in a country where we are free to pursue our dreams, and that we have brave men and women who risk their lives every day to protect us.
I am truly humbled.
I am thankful for you for having this giveaway.I am also thankful for my family and for being free of cancer for almost 5 years now.
Congrats to the winners !
There are so many things to be gratefull for, so I will choose the ones that are very important for me.
1) I'm thankfull for my husband, kids and family who support me since I must have surgery real soon and they know I hate sugery's :)
2) I'm tankfull for all the wonderfull stitching friends I learn over the years through internet. I love them all !!!
3) As a pagan I'm thankfull for nature who lets us enjoy all the beautifull things that all around us.
I have mention this giveaway on my blog.
What a wonderful giveaway!
I am thankful for:
1 - God and His amazing love for me!!
2 - My husband and children
3 - My extended family and friends!!
What an inspirational posting! It's good to be reminded to pause and take a breath and assess those things we are thankful for.
I am so very thankful for my wonderful husband, who supports me in everything I do.
I am also thankful for my children, my daughter and son bring joy and love to my life.
I am thankful for my sister, whose creative talents she shares so generously with me.
I am thankful that I have a job that I love. I am a Librarian, and have my dream job.
Thank you.
A wonderful post, Jolene! Congrats to the winner of the last!
First and foremost, I am thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without Him in my every day, I would be nothing.
Secondly, I am so proud and blessed and thankful for my four dear grown children, that bless me continually and of course, and definitely not last in that lineup is my brand new granddaughter, Alexandra Catherine.
Thirdly, for the friendships I have acquired and so lucky to maintain, through this community of bloggers and message boards! Fantastic, all of it! a side note, I didn't receive the white pumpkin of which you asked about. I do so hope it isn't lost in the mail!
1) I am thankful that I was able to kiss my mother in laws forhead when I said goodbye to her at the ICU. And she mouthed " I love you"
2) I am thankful to have a warm and caring husband who is not afraid to cry and ask for a hug
3) I am thankful I have three great girlfriends who I can call up anytime and they are there to listen
Thank you for a nice drawing :)
I am thankful for my family, good health, and my stitching hobby which includes having access to all the wonderful blogs and stitching groups for inspiration.
Thanks for having a wonderful giveaway!
It is the giving and remembering season. Thanks for reminding us to think of what we are thankful for. :)
1. My son.... he really is the best thing that ever happened to me.
2. My friends and family. They are always there to help, to laugh, to cry...
3. My stitching. The time I can spend on it is a joy and way to relax. The people I have met because of my hobby. The joy I get when I give something I have made to someone else to enjoy.
Thank you for giving us this opportunity to think about things that are thankful.
I'm thankful for:
1. my wonderful husband who stands by me and makes me laugh;
2. my family and friends who I don't see often but knows they are always there when I need them;
3. my stitching which brings me peace and joy, and introducing me to so many wonderful people over the net.
I will also post a link on my blog.
I love your blog and the pictures you have posted. I am thankful for my health. I'm thankful for the love and respect of my children and friends and family. I am also thankful to live in our great country where we are free to live as we want. Sandi
Wow, what a generous giveaway! I've just discovered your blog, and love everything I've seen. Let's see... only three things? Here goes...
1) My faith that there IS someone smarter, kinder, and more loving than I am in charge of the universe and the tender mercies that flow to me from Him.
2) My family. 'Nuff said.
3) Food, shelter... and craft supplies.
Okay, I admit, #3 is more than one item. But, sometimes it feels as though my creativity is required as much as physical sustenance.
Laura B in Utah
I am thankful for my health, my job, friends, and family. So many people don't have these and I have learned not to take any of them for granted.
Thanks again for offering such wonderful giveaways.
I love this post, Jolene! I have so, so much to be thankful for and I need to be more conscious of all I have in my life... I am thankful for my dear husband of 32 years, my three amazing sons who always make me smile even when I am mad about something they've done, my parents without whom I wouldn't be here, and my good health.
Thanks so much for your thoughtful giveaways :)
This is such a great idea!
What am I thankful for? Only 3??? Well,
1) My family. I still have one living grandparent and am glad she is still around.
2) My friends (from high school) and the ability to see them once in a while during my travels.
3) My health.
WoW Jolene! I love this question. On Thanksgiving we always gather around the table and answer this very question. The only thing is we can't say the things we're most thankful for like our family, faith, health and home - we get a little silly so I thought I'd do that here, too. I'm thankful for really good chocolate and the way it melts on your tongue - pure heaven! I'm thankful for rain storms on a fall day where I can curl up on the couch with a favorite quilt (made by Deb), I'm thankful for my birkenstocks - the most comfortable sandal ever!
Have a great evening and a thankful day, dear Jolene!
I'm thankful for my husband, my son and my health. They make every day wonderful.
- Danielle (huimeilei at hotmail dot com)
Thank you for another wonderful giveaway. At this time, I pause and think, there are many things that I thankful for. I thank my parents for without them, there won't be a me. I am thankful for a wonderful husband who love and support me and give me three wonderful children. Thank you for our good health and to be able to do what we love.
I am thankful for my health, my family and most of all I am thankful for life itself.
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway !
Thanks for providing another wonderful giveaway Jolene! Let's see I'm thankful for....
My Family.
A roof over my head.
Food to eat.
Very simple. :)
1. First I am thankful my children are still young and enjoy thier innocence durning thee times.
2. Thankful my husband has been called back to work.
3. And lastly, I am thankful that I have freinds and family that pull me up to stand even when I don't want to.
I'm thankful for my family, for my health and that I have so many dear friends.
I am thankful for many things.
1. For Jesus dying for me on the cross
2. For Gods Amazing Grace
3. For my three beautiful kids.
Thank you for the chance to win.
Thank you for this opportunity to enter. Everything is beautiful! I am thankful for my husband and son, my family and for the good life that was given to me by the good lord despite all its struggles and hardships it is still a good life filled with love.
Hi Jolene,
I have so much to be thankful for that it is hard to narrow down to the top three...
1. I am thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus, along with God's grace and forgiveness
2. I am thankful for my beautiful family, both immediate and extended. I have the sweetest husband, son, parents, brother, and in-laws that a person could be blessed with. I also have wonderful friends that I adore.
3. I am thankful for my home and the comforts that I enjoy. I am thankful that we are blessed to have what we need and a lot of things that we want.
I am grateful for such a full and joyful life. :)
And I thank you for letting us reflect and express gratitude. Thanks for your generosity!
Have a great week!!
Great post - love it all!
I am grateful for all of my online stitching friends. Since I have been able to get back online I feel like my life is more fulfilled. I consider them to be family.
What a great idea for a give away!
I am thankful for many things - it's hard to pick just three. 1st for my family, 2nd for being able to take the time to just be and 3rdly for this blogging world through which I have met so many wonderful people!
I am thankful for my mother who is almost 93 and she is always there for me when I need her the most.
I am thankful for my wonderful children, Gary, Heather and Tristan who are my everything.
Margaret and Darren, wife and husband.
Last but not least my five grandchildren Sameul, Olivia, Gavin, Elisha and Reagan who are chips off the old blocks.
I am so grateful for all the lovely people I have met on the various blogs I visit. You are all so appreciated.
I have put a link on my blog
Thanks and God Bless ~
What a fun giveaway! I am grateful for:
1: God's love for us
2: My family(related and extended)
3: Being a Breast Cancer Survivor!
Hi Jolene,
I'm thankful for:
1. that I have a sweat and healthy son,
2. to be healthy and happy with my life,
3. that I have a nice house to live in with a lovely garden so I can enjoy all nature brings.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a lovely price.
Kind regards,
Dounia Carels from The Netherlands
This is something I've been thinking a lot about recently when my grandmother passed away at 92. I am grateful for my family. No matter how much they drive me crazy, I know they will be there to listen, support, and make funny faces when I am down. I am thankful for all the blessings and opportunities I have in my life. Just to be able to have running water, a roof over my head, and a job to go is much more than 1/3 of the world has. And finally I am grateful for my health. That I can wake up and get out of bed every day, and that my body can get me everywhere I need to go.
Thanks for posting the poem, and please enter me in the contest.
Ingrid, Boston
I am thankful for:
- every day I live this wonderful life
- my mother, who recovered from so may illnesses
- the flowers in my garden
- my husband with whom I am already together for 31 years.
What wonderful giveaways! You are soooo generous and for that I'm very thankful! I'm also thankful for my husband, my grand daughter, for my health and for too many other things to mention. I'll be sure to mention your giveaways in my blog.
Great post Jolene! I might be too late but I just wanted to say that I'm grateful for DH, my family and my friends :)
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