be free

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Birthday and 10 Giveaways for 2010!!!

Today is a great day for a celebration. First of all it's my brother's Birthday, he is 49 years young! Also, it marks the 114th Birthday that Utah became the 45th state in the USA. Below is a picture I took of my brother this past Christmas 2009. Happy Birthday Kerry!!!

“My momma always said, Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.”
This is one of the most memorable quotes from the hit movie Forrest Gump. I had never thought about life like that before, but how true it is!
When I was a little girl, my grandpa always shared his box of chocolates with me. I would gaze wide-eyed at the large assortment, wondering what was inside each one of those tiny chocolate-covered surprises. My favorite is the milk chocolate covered caramel, (oh so delish!!) and like a kid at Christmas I would hope to get what I wanted. Of course I was terribly disappointed if I didn’t!
Life is like a box of chocolates, loaded with surprises, some delightful and some not so much. The yummy ones, of course, are easy to swallow, but the yucky ones are sometimes hard to stomach.

On Saturday, January 2nd, 2010, I ventured out to Shepherd's Bush for a little fun. Every year they have a big sale and I bought some "grab bags", ten to be exact. I thought it would be fun to send 10 people a "box of chocolates" so to speak. Each grab bag contains 10, yes 10, different cross stitch patterns. They are all packaged up and like Forest Gump says " You never know what you're gonna get". (Not even me). Entering this giveaway is easy. Please leave me a comment on this post only telling me what your favorite "boxed" chocolate candy is and if there is a special meaning why. You have until the 10th of January, midnight to leave your entry. I will use the random generator for this giveaway and I will post the winners on January 11th.

I LOVE having Giveaways, they are soooo much fun, and this time they will be a surprise for all. I enjoy reading your comments and look forward to a great 2010!! Thanks for visiting.

P.S. Thank you so much for your help in finding a pattern for "I Thee Wed". This is such a special year/milestone for my hubby and I. I can't believe how many of you were so generous to offer/help out a fellow stitcher. You are the best!!! I hope I can be of help to some, if not all, of you if the need of something special arises.

Good Luck!


Juels said...

I am the first. I can't believe it.
My favorite boxed chocolates are Godiva. I have a sister who lives in Spain, and when she would come home every few years, we would buy Godiva chocolates, drink champagne, and play card games. Good times!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is such a simple, almost banal choice. I adore Demet's Turtles. They were so inexpensive that my family members were able to afford to get them for me for every holiday, no matter how strapped for cash we were (which was common). Even though I've gotten to eat more expensive ones in the intervening years, those cheapies are still my favorites.

Annie Bee said...

Ferro Rocher are my favourites and I love that they make them in different flavours now. There was a fund raiser for a young man who had cancer and they had an auction to raise money for his treatment - one of the auctions was a large packet of Ferro Rochers and DH was determined to get them. He paid $50 for the box - we enjoyed every single one of those chocolates.

Brigitte said...

Oh Jolene, what a treat to be able to visit Shepherd's Bush whenever you want to. I visited once and it was a dream. If I lived near them my cc would be smoking all the time, lol. What a wonderful idea for a giveaway.
When it comes to chocolates my favourite ones are the ones filled with marzipan or with caramel. I don't know any American brand but what I like here is Lindt. Hmm, I have to stop thinking of chocolates, lol.

Edige said...

You are so generous! This is a great giveaway and a great chance for me too... I hope so...
My favourite chocolate is the dark one with some special spices like the chily or green pepper and add perhaps a kind of fruits. I like the special ones.
Thank you and I wish you a happy new year!
Edit from Hungary

Nic said...

I have to admit being a soft centre kind of girl myself. There's something so decadent about savouring the texture and getting a burst of flavour and smoothness while sitting back and relaxing and doing nothing - not even chewing ;o)

When I was little and money was tight, Cadbury's Roses or Milk Tray were a real treat, and my favourites were the strawberry creams. My favourites now are Lindor Truffles by Lindt, although if I'm feeling really indulgent, there is a small artisan chocolatier near me and I've yet to have a bad experience there (and the hot chocolate they serve? wow!)

Thank you!

Siobhán said...

Happy birthday, Kerry!!

Hmm, my favorite chocolate is pretty simple... Reeses Peanut Butter cups. I always go for the chocolate covered caramels in chocolate box sets, but given a choice, it'd be Reeses all the way!

Jane said...

Lindt Lindor Balls - mint especially but hazelnut a close second. They leave you completely satisfied!

I love to read whenever someone goes to SB. It's such a dream to me and sounds so enchanting. Do you bump into Loraine whenever you go there?

I'm so glad you had luck with the design you were after. Always frustrating when you see something and can't find where to get it, especially if it's OOP.

Marilyn said...

My favorites are the Whitman's in the yellow sampler box.
My aunt and uncle always had a box of those to share. It brings back great memories of them whenever I see the box. :)
Thank you for the generous giveaway.

Hillery said...

How generous you are. I would like to be entered into your giveaway. My favorite candies are Lindt or Lindor Truffles. So rich and creamy inside. MMM...I might have to get some today.
Your stitching friend,
North Country Samplings

JillMN said...

I love the white peacock on your blog header. My all-time favorite boxed chocolate would have to be chocolate mints--the kind where the center is mint chocolate. In Cleveland, OH, where my husband grew up, there is still a homemade candy shop called Malleys. They are to die for--you can also order on the web from them. Anything they make is good.

Glad you found the pattern you wanted for your anniversary. Aren't blogging friends just the greatest!

Anne said...

Happy New Year to you and yours!
I'm partial to Dove chocolates, myself. Especially the dark and extra dark ones. I love the little messages on the inside of the foil wrappers. Even when I was "dieting," I allowed myself one Dove chocolate a day - and I still dropped 10 lbs. Unfortunately, indulgences increased, and so did my waist, and it's time to be serious again. But I'll still have my daily dose of chocolate!

Anonymous said...

I love Ghardelli Dark chcocolate with carmel. We don't get them in Canada so such a treat when i do get them
Thanks for a great swap

Nina said...

Happy birthday to Kerry!
Wish you and your family a happy new year too!

Cari said...

Happy New Year Jolene!! Loved your story about grandfather would do the same thing, always letting us pick just one chocolate. I would hope against hope I didn't get one of those creamy center ones! Whenever I'm in SLC I love to pick up a box of See's Nuts and Chews at the airport...coming and going. They are just the best. Every piece is my favorite! Hugs and Happy Stitching!!

Blu said...

First, the white peacock in the header is gorgeous!
I can't say I have a favourite chocolate, I just eat them all. I do have a preference for anything with non-peanut nuts!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

Maggee said...

If I had to say what my favorite chocolates are, automatically 'See's soft centers' comes out! I am from SF, CA and grew up with a See's store on every neighborhood! Yumm... I have many a friend who would be so envious of you being able to go to SB on a weekend! Thanks for the contest!


Carol said...

Wow! More incredible giveaways--love the mystery of it all :)

Mmmm...hard to pick a favorite as I am such a chocoholic. I suppose it would have to be those gooey turtle candies though. No special reason, just that I love the sticky, caramelly, peanutty, chocolatey combination!

Lisa said...

I would have to say that my favorite chocolate candies would be chocolate covered almonds...sweet/rich chocolate covering a nutty/salty crunch (yummy). A quick memory I have growing up and a box of chocolates is: my parents always received chocolate from friends and business associates around the holidays and would put them away in our china cabinet (I don't know why they stored them and didn't eat them). So I would sneak in there periodically, poke my finger in the bottom of them to find the ones I likes, leaving the "icky" ones with the hole in the bottom behind. When the holidays rolled around, my mother would always clean out the old candy to make room for the new boxes, and always thought it was funny to find the boxes of "holy candy" from the year before.
Thank you for hosting the give-away...please enter me into it!
Lisa D

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh my...your LNS is Shepherd's Bush...Oh wow...I would be destitute and living on the streets, but have a lot of cross stitch with me :)

What a fun giveaway! That saying is one of my favorite movie sayings too. My favorite boxed chocolate are the toffee flavored ones. I hope and pray when I choose a chocolate from a sampler box that it is the toffee flavored one. No special memory or meaning, I just love toffee :)

Margaret said...

Jolene, you are always so generous! Thanks so much for the giveaway! My favorite box of chocolates would be either Godiva Chocolate Truffles (yum!) or a box of chocolate covered nuts, which I don't think exists. lol! I don't know if nuts are too expensive or what, but I don't think I've ever found a box of chocolates that was just chocolate covered nuts. I love nuts!! Thanks again -- I'll be sending you that something soon. :D

Devon said...

Oh first I love Shepherds Bush,,and second I love sweet you are to have a givaway...well my first choice of a box of chocolate would be Gordiva,of course milk chocolate..and then I always have a box of these at christmas is peppermint chocolate patties..there is something about mint and chocolate...thanks again...

Sharlotte said...

Happy Birthday to Kerry!! Mine was yesterday. I love boxed chocolates and I think my favorite are the ones with the dark chocolate, almost fudge like centers. I guess they are probably more like a bonbon. Growoing up my grandather always has the peanut clusters and I still really like those too til this day. I always think of him when I have one. What great giveaways! I hope I will be one of the lucky ones! Crossing my fingers!

Heather said...

Happy birthday to your bother, and a happy New Year to you and all of your family.

My favourite boxed chocolate is the strawberry cream ones. They are so good!

Also, thank you for having yet another wonderful giveaway. You are a very generous person.

Michelle said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Wow - what a great giveaway - again!

I LOVE Lindt chocolate, especially the dark Lindor Balls, because they are just the most delicious and smooth chocolates ever!

Deb said...

A big Happy Birthday to your brother, Jolene! I'd love to entered into your giveaway. Surprises are always fun. I think that my favorites are any candy in the box that has chocolate or nuts in it. But it's always a crapshoot unless they provide a map on the box lid. And I'm so jealous that you live near Shepherd's Bush!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy reading your blog. Now run Forest run and help me get one of those wonderful giveaways. Have a great 2010 and tell your brother Happy Birthday for me.
Your Hoosier Friend,

Stitchinowl said...

Ooh, what a wonderful giveaway! I love grab bags, the thrill of opening them and discovering the surprises inside. You are so lucky to have Shepherds Bush as your LNS.

My favorite boxed candy is Russell Stovers. It brings back childhood memories of holidays at my grandparents' house. One of my cousins always brought my grandmother a Russell Stovers box of chocolates for an extra present, no matter what the holiday. Of course, we each got a sample to taste!
rcscg at aol dot com

Jules said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jules said...

(Oops! I needed to edit this a bit)

I am not a huge fan of chocolate, but I do enjoy the Coconut Clusters from time to time! I'd much rather have a nice piece of Old-Fashioned hard candy, in peppermint, spearmint, or cherry flavor. It always reminds me of grandma's house during the holidays. She always had a bowl of these wonderful delights sitting out somewhere for all to indulge in! I miss her terribly even 16 1/2 years later...


katica said...

Happy New Year! What a generous way to start off the new year! Thank you for the chance.

My favourite would have to be dark chocolate turtles. My mom would buy a box of regular milk chocolate ones for everyone at Christmas time to share but there would always be a box of dark chocolate ones just for me, as she knew I love dark chocolate ones.

Sadly since she passed I haven't had any dark chocolte turtles as I just didn't like buying them for myself - just not as special, as well as they a have been even more difficult to find over the years.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, Jolene and Happy Birthday to your brother!

My favorite chocolate is by Gearhart - a chocolatier in Charlottesville, VA - it is the best!

Your giveaway sounds like such fun - please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks for offering up these goodies from SB!

Anonymous said...

How lucky that Shepherd's Bush is your LNS. I just love their shop. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway. My favorite chocolates are dark chocolate with coconut inside. Also, I have a local candy shop who makes the best chocolate ever. Just plain milk chocolate for me. Thanks again. Happy New Year. Pam

Diana said...

How lucky you were to be able to go to the Shepherd's Bush sale! It's even nicer that you are going to share some of what you got with us. My favorite chocolate in a chocolate box is also the chocolate covered caramels,but I prefer the dark chocolate ones. I like the boxes that have a cover that lets you know what each piece is so you don't end up with something you don.t like.

Loraine said...

What a fun idea! I love those grab bags. I wish I would have been able to get one with you!
Have a great day!

Kim Reid said...

Happy New Year! I would love a chance in your wonderful grab bag giveaway!! I love chocolate of all kinds, especially Godiva's as a special treat when shopping with my daughters.
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Cole said...

Wow, this would be such a treat!! Can you believe I do not own one singe SB chart?? *hanging head in shame*

I'm not a huge chocolate fan, but my favorite chocolate memory is catching my daughter (then two years old) trying to eat a turtle in one bite! We ended up with chocolate everywhere, she was so cute!!

Melissa said...

Oh how fun, how generous of you, Jolene! My favourite chocolates are Belgian chocolates from a local chocolate shop called Daniel's. I especially love the Cointreau, Espresso, and a Strawberry Heart. There, now you know what's in my chocolate stash drawer!

Thank you for this giveaway!

Jennifer said...

Wow what a fantastic give away Jolene! You are so very generous and fun!! Happy New Year to you and your family . We were in Utah in July 2008 on our way to California . Unfortunately , I didn't get to visit Shepherd's Bush but maybe another time. I love Godiva chocolates but don't have them very often . Maybe around my birthday in April .....all the best to you for 2010 !!

Melody said...

Wow, a trip to Shepherd's Bush!! How lucky you are to be close enough to go!

As for the chocolate question, I would have to say turtles are my favorite, just love the pecan, carmel chocolate combination...mmmm.

Thanks for your grab bag giveaway!!

Peg said...

Happy Birthday Kerry! I love alot of the Shepards Bush charts not sure why I own so few of them. I may have to rectify that real soon. LOL!

My favorite candies don't come in the box they are Brach's and they are a cream colored noughat with the little colored chewy pieces in them. My grandmother always had those in a dish and we could have them whenever we visited.

Now if I have to buy a box of candy I always get the turtles. Yummy carmel nuts and chocolate. :)

Your are so generous with your give aways. I would love to have a grab bag from SB.

Kat said...

Happy New Year! What a fun giveaway! My favorite boxed chocolates are "See's" candies - I was born in San Francisco, and my aunt sends a box to my mother every year at Christmas. Such a treat!

Anonymous said...

How delicious! I loved reading about everyone's favorite chocolates, but now I need to go eat some!

Christmas morning we gather at my sister-in-law's to open presents. Everyone brings something to snack on. Since we are coming from Vegas to Kentucky, it's impractical to bring any cooked goods. We always bring a special box of See's candy. I included my favorite ones -- Key Lime Truffles. Now my sister-in-law loves them so much that she tells the rest of the family that they are "spoiled", so she can eat them all herself. I also like See's Bordeaux -- chocolate with a chocolate center and chocolate sprinkles.

Edit said...

Happy New Year! What an amazing giveaway! I would like to take part, maybe 2010 is my lucky year :)

My favourite box of chocolate? Well, I have a lot, but once I have been in Bologna, Italy, and bought a chocolate called Fiat. Yes, like the car. I only bought a small box and what a mistake as it was so delicious. Since then I hope to go back one day and buy a huge box of this great chocolate.

Best wishes,

Riet said...

Haha, what a good question. I like chocolat very much all kind. The one I like the most, in Holland we call it "Truffels". It is round and has cream inside with chocolat around and than cocoa powder. mmmm.
Regards Riet

Melissa said...

Oooh, I love Shepherd's Bush charts, so please enter me in your giveaway. My favorite boxed candy is definitely dark chocolate cherry cordials.

Happy New Year, Jolene!!

Teresa S. said...

My dad always bought a big box of Whitman Sampler at Christmas. It was a tradition. My favorite was (and still is) the nougat. Thanks for such a great giveaway. Toss in my name!

valerie said...

How do you think up these fun giveaways...they always make me reminisce! Over here, we have See's Chocolates and it's what I grew up on. My favorite out of the box is the rum nougat. Love it! After so many years, I can spot one a mile away. I almost stopped by the shop yesterday to by one but I resisted...10 pounds to lose and all. :)

Please throw my name in the hat. Happy New Year!

Marjorie said...

Happy New Year Jolene! It would be much easier for me to list chocolates that I didn't like (as there are very few) but my go-to chocolates are Reeses Peanut Butter Cups...the new dark chocolate ones are fantastic. Thanks for another great giveaway!

woolwoman said...

Hi Jolene - OOOOOOOOO - I would love to have a grab bag from SB - I've never been there in person.

My favorite box of chocolates is probably Godiva - they are so elegant and delish - they dont' have any special meaning except that I love their dark chocolates.
thanks Melody

ingrid said...

My faorite is the Whitman's sampler. No matter how large or small the box, it reminds me of visiting my grandmother who started my love of cross stiching and all things crafty. She used to keep the yellow boxes and use them to keep her crafting odds and ends in. Please enter me in the draw. Thanks!

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday to Kerry!

Jolene, I am soooooooooooo jealous that you get to go to the one and only SB shop! OMG, like someone else mentioned, if I lived near there, my cc would be on FIRE! LOL! I just love them so much and always wish I could see the store in person, all of those wonderful displays they do.

You are so thoughtful (as always), thinking of others while you were there! Such a fun giveaway!

My favorite boxed chocoloate would have to be the Russell Stovers assortments, cause they always have a "map" of what's in the box, it eliminates the quesswork, like pinching the bottom to see what's inside, lol! I always pick out my favorite couple of pieces (the cream filled, like maple or vanilla) and then the family gets the rest of the box! Works out perfectly.

Happy New Year!

Terri said...

My favorite is chocolate raisins. My sister and I when we were children would get them and pretend we were eating chocolate covered ants. We knew they were Raisins but oh well. Great Memories. Let your brother know Happy Birthday. And Happy Birthday to Utah.

Kielrain said...

My favorite chocolate is a dark chocolate carmel with grey sea salt. It is just so tasty. No real meaning to it, just yummy and they make me happy.

♥ Sari ♥ said...

Happy New Year! What a fun giveaway!!! :) My all time favorites are mint chocolates, what ever the brand. :)

♥ Sari ♥ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Branlaadee said...

Happy Birthday to Kerry!

My favorite chocolates are from See's. My Grandmother used to buy each of us an Easter egg from See's. We couldnt wait to get home from church and grab our eggs. One year we all got home before Gma. We ran to the kitchen for our eggs but there werent enough for one for each of us. We were a little disappointed, but we knew that sometimes money was tight. So, we got out the big knife and started cutting them in half to share. We were having a hard time trying to divide them because there wasnt enough of some people's favorites and more than enough of other people's favorites. We just kept going though. My uncle pulled a small piece of chocolate off his egg to off our dog who loved See's as well. (Yes, I shouldnt feed your dog chocolate!) She turned her nose up at it! We knew something was wrong. She looked forward to Easter as much as we did. When Gma came home we had Gpa's and her halves of their eggs put aside...she asked where the rest were. She said she had, indeed, bought enough for all of us. We searched the house and behind the couch we found a See's bag and 4 empty egg boxes! The dog had eaten them all! It took months before she'd eat chocolate again.

Catherine said...

Oohh.........chocolate.....I can honestly say that I admire all kinds of chocolate - thus the need to go to the gym! I really like Mootz's chocolates - from my husbands hometown and Neuchatel chocolates (yes, we have chocolatier from Switzerland in our area or PA)...but again, I love chocolate - all types!

What a fun give away - thanks!

Donna K. said...

Thanks for the fun giveaway. My favorite boxed chocolate has to be millionaires. Love the nuts.

Anonymous said...

Jolene, what an appropriate post for me to read today. I think that in the box of life's chocolates today I kept picking up all the "nut" candies. I have been getting the nutty bureacratic run-a-round and comments for anwsers all day long when doing errands. I came home in need of a little piece. I found it on your blog. Your blog and giveaway is like my favorite chocolate in the box, a raspberry filled. When I bit into one of those I am transported to a higher plane where little birds sing and calm reins. I would love to see if I am fortunate enough to recieve a sack of chocolates from you a "raspberry filled" chart.
Thanks so much for fixing my sweet tooth this afternoon.

Theresa said...

I love everything chocolate, but I would have the say those chocolate covered macadamia nuts are my favorite. Maybe its because it brings back memories when I was a kid, my father would bring back a box of them when he travles aboard for business, and we would cherish it everytime we eat it, since it was a very rare thing in my home country when I was little.
Thank you so much for hosting such a wonderful giveaway~~

Michele said...

What a fun giveway :) It's a toss up between See's Candies and Frangos .. I think I'll go with See's. I remember going with my grandparents to See's and getting those wonderful hard candy lollipops .. we got them in our stocking too.

Happy New Year Jolene!

Myra said...

I am happy you found the chart you wanted. I know how it is when you have the "itch" for that one special chart and as always it is OOP.

Another Happy Birthday to Kerry!

I would love to be entered in your generous giveaway.

Myra said...

Oops! I forgot to tell you that my favorite chocolate is always the dark chocolate with coconut in the center. Yum! (Sorry for the double post.)

Kellie said...

Hi Jolene,
Happy Birthday to your brother (and Utah!). :) You are so lucky to live so close to Shepherd's Bush. I think that is awesome!

I don't have a particular favorite individual chocolate (I have never met a piece of chocolate that I didn't like...LOL!). However, Whitman's Samplers are somewhat of a tradition in my family. I used to gift them to my grandmother when I was a little girl at Christmas. She would keep the box on her coffee table for weeks after Christmas (she didn't get in a hurry to eat them), and she would share with me and my brother when we visited. She lived next door, so I am sure we visited more often when there was candy involved. LOL! This is still a favorite gift that my family treats each other too at Christmas time. Most Christmases we find a box of these in stockings.

Thanks for the opportunity to be entered in your generous giveaway.

Have a great week! :)

Ellen said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I remembered the first box of chocolates that my husband bought for me, the Cadbury's Milk Tray. I love those little pieces of surprises. Now, I prefer the dark version, dark bitter chocolate.


Blyn said...

You are so kind with all of your giveaways. I love all of the signs that you have in your sidebar. There is a restaurant that we enjoy going to and they have these great big signs just like them. I love the sayings on them. Now for chocolates..I love chocolate covered cherries, the kicker is I hate the cherry. I eat them and (spit out) the cherry...bad I know.. :)

Jackie's Stitches said...

My favorite boxed chocolates are Whitmans. My grandparents were dirt poor but we always got a box of them at Christmas. If we came to visit them, I always got first pick. They passed away by the time I was 8. I still think of them every time I see a box of Whitmans.

Katrina said...

Happy birthday to your brother!

My favorite chocolate is the Cadbury eggs with the candy coating. You can only get them at Easter and Christmas so I stock up, LOL.

What a great contest, I hope I win ;-).

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have gone to shepherd bush. I would love to visit there one day. I love their designs and the shop looks beautiful. What a treat!!!
I would love to enter your give away, you are so generous!!
My favorite candy is gertrude hawks choc covered pretzels.
Have a wonderful new year.

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

My favorite are still the Yellow Box Whitman candies. Me and my brother also got heart shaped box for valentines, but my mom got the whitman's. She would always let us have a piece of her candy, even with us having our own heart box.

TammyK said...

You always have the coolest posts. I like the Hershey's rum caramel. Ate way too many of them this Christmas but they were delicious! Love the peacock on your header.

Robin said...

What a great giveaway since visiting Shepherd's Bush is a dream for so many of us!

My favorite boxed chocolate would have to be the one with the coolest tin or box. Don't get me wrong, I do like chocolate, but I like the containers even more. :)

I'll eat a few of the chocolates and the rest go to my husband. Once the box is empty, I'll use it to store crafty things, like buttons, pictures, threads, etc.

Berit said...

I love dark chocolate, toffee and almonds (together or separate!) so anything with those would probably be my favorite. :D

Thanks for showing the state quarter--I hadn't seen it (or is it just that I didn't notice it?)

Pumpkin said...

Oh, how AWESOME!!!! Stash and chocolate :o) Great conversation pieces. LOL!

Okay, this is a hard one for me but at the top of the list I would have to say Purdy's Chocolates ( So scrumptious and always a surprise if you don't use the guide that comes with the box ;o) They are made in BC, Canada and I only get to indulge in them on rare occasions when a wonderful friend might send me some. LOL!

Please enter me in your wonderful contest. Just to be able to visit SB would be a delight! I can't imagine what one of their surprise packages would be like :o)

Thank you for your generosity my friend.

Melinda said...

I've not tried a huge amount of boxed chocolate, but from the ones I have tried, forrerro rocher would have to be my fave.
You probably don't ship internationally, but in case you do:

kathy n said...

I'm actually allergic to chocolate. I much prefer cross stitching in my boxes. :-)

Barbara said...

I just found your blog and just have to add it to my list. My favorite chocolate is the cherry cordials. I remember the first time we went to Las Vegas we brought back 5 pounds of gourmet chocolates from Ethel M's.1 pound was a liquor flavored cherry cordial that was so good. That was 20 years ago. Now we do good to afford to bring back 1 pound.

Have a great day!

Lindsay said...

I so wish I could go and visit Shepherds Bush, I've been to the one in London but that doesn't count!

I can't resist After Eights. I was given a box for Christmas and they are sat in the fridge now out of sight so they last a little longer. Besides they taste better when cold

Pike said...

What a fun way to start a year! Please enter me in this mystery giveaway.
My favourites are our Finnish chocolates. If I win, I promise to send you some... :)

Pirjo from Finland

Carin said...

First of all, congratulations with your brother !!!
Now my favorite chocolate (I just LOVE chocolate) ... I love chocolate with nuts in it and I love white chocolate. When you eat it, you forget everything around you LOL.
Oh boy ... after writing this I need some chocolate ... so bye for now, I'm going to eat some and forget everything else :)

Jinger said...

I would have to say Godiva dark chocolate truffles! To die for!

Edgar said...

My Favorite boxed Chocolates would have to be those from Angell and Phelps - made in Daytona Beach FL -

Throw my name into this super give away!!!


Tammy said...

I'm a Whitman Sampler girl myself! How nice to have a giveaway!

Kathy A. said...

Oh what a gorgeous peacock on your header - LOVE HIM!!!
My favorite are cherry chocolates. My first husband used to give me a box for Christmas every year. He passed away many years and I still remember him with a smile every time I see those boxes out at Christmas time.
Please enter me in this wonderful giveaway.

Jo said...

hmmm....a favorite....almost anything dark chocolate. I think my fav would be dark chocolate with a chocolate filling.
Thanks fir entering me in this great giveaway!!
Jo (joannm at gmail dot com)

Tracey said...

You always have the best giveaways Jolene! Please enter me! My favorite would be a chocolate covered cherry with the clear filling, not the creamy filling. That or coconut filled. I may have to go buy a box now! lol

Anonymous said...

My favorite is dark chocolate with fudge center truffles.

I would surely love to go with you to the SB. One of my favorite all timers..

Mary in Tennessee

Patricia Lessell said...

WOW what a gorgeous peacock!!! Happy Birthday (belated) to your brother.

Now as far as chocolates go, I LOVE Hotel Chocolate boxes - you have just got them in the States I believe. They are so yummy - Belguim chocolates used to be my favorite but not any more. Unfortunately we have a Hotel Chocolate store really near where we live. I close my eyes whenever I go past - have to resist temptation. I really really love plain old Hersheys chocalate - especially the ones with almonds but I'm on a diet or else I would have asked my DS to have brought me some home but I was so good and didn't.

You are just so generous.

Lots of Love
Patti the displaced Yank xxx

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, I do not have a favorite boxed chocolate item that I love. My family quit giving boxed chocolates years ago and I really never had a favorite. I do love chocolate though, and my favorite is Ghirardelli with caramel.

Thanks for entering my name in your wonderful giveaway. Take care.

~Tonya said...

Your work is AMAZING Jolene! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your bid on my "Aimee" dollie ;)

You know the one "Lil bit of Love". I hope you win her! In person, she is adorable.

I just finished the pattern for "Bits" and if you win her, I will send a "signed" pattern with her.

Maybe you or your sister can make another one, just like you both have one!

Have a great day. Thank you so much for all of your ♥ SWEET ♥ words.

Many Blessings,

PS Happy Birthday to your brother and Life is like a box of Chocolates...

Hubby and I always say that!!

Ukka said...

Dear JOLENE, I'm in, in your lottery!Congratulations with your brother !!! So wonderful give away! My favorite chocolates are milk chocolate with nuts inside.Your blog is so lovely.
Have a nice day

Rebecca said...

I would love to be in the drawing. What a wonderful gift to give away. You are so very lucky that you get to go to the SB shop. I would give my eye teeth to be able to go. My favorite chocolates are those in the whitman yellow boxes and I love the coconut ones. I have to find that one first.

Thanks again.

Rebecca L.